Rev. Dr. B. L. Hofer​
Dr. Hofer has over 30 years of experience working in faith-based and other human service settings. Active with local and international groups, she highly values broad-based collaboration for individual and community well-being. S​he enjoys teaching, writing, pastoral care and counseling, and research.


Integrative Pastoral Care, Psychology and Research
Dr. Hofer holds a doctorate in Pastoral Community Counseling from the College of Counseling, Psychology, and Social Sciences at Argosy University. In addition to theological and spiritual care training, Dr. Hofer is trained in diagnosis/assessment and treatment/care planning. She understands allopathic, holistic, and spiritual approaches, creating a more integrative view of overall wellness. Supplementing knowledge of the medical model, Dr. Hofer is trained to integrate spiritual, holistic, and strengths-based practices. Additionally, at the doctoral level, Dr. Hofer is trained in both qualitative and quantitative research methods with supplementary training and experience in advanced qualitative analysis.

Human Services Leadership
Dr. Hofer also holds a Master of Science degree in Human Services Administration from Central Michigan University. Her training and experience include leadership psychology, organizational development, administrative control and analysis, research, and legal aspects of administration. This has complimented her baccalaureate work in Interpersonal Communication and Health Science at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Her education and experience include psychology, sociology, communication theory, group dynamics, and public speaking. Her health sciences training and experience encompass human physiology, exercise physiology, nutrition, and more. Diverse knowledge of spirituality, psychology, and physiology is advantageous to a comprehensive understanding of the human system as a whole.

Market Research, Build-Out and Regional Executive Leadership
In preparation for new clinics across the country, Dr. Hofer conducted feasibility analyses in numerous markets; identified suitable building sites; negotiated lease agreements; oversaw build-outs; developed marketing strategies; hired professional staff; and oversaw facility operations. With existing clinics and facilities, her forward-thinking leadership brought substantial increases in census through program/organization evaluation and targeted strategic interventions. Dr. Hofer has managed and directed outstanding teams of executive directors; spiritual care staff, marketing directors; physical, occupational, and recreational therapists; neuropsychologists; behaviorists; social workers; dietitians; nurses; administrative staff; resident/patient caregivers; and more.

Faith-Based Organizations and Spiritual Care Ministries
Ordained in 2007, Dr. Hofer has been involved with faith-based organizations for over 25 years, working with faith and community leaders across the United States and abroad. Her experience includes the founding of a non-profit charter of an international faith-based organization in 2007. In addition to outreach and speaking engagements, she has partnered with faith-based organizations to establish comprehensive spiritual care programs. She has developed several group and one-to-one lay caring ministries, as well as extended pastoral care programs. Also trained as a Stephen Leader, Dr. Hofer oversaw the start-ups and direction of new Stephen Ministry programs. This role encompassed recruiting, screening, training, and supervising Stephen Ministers.